L’art du déplacement

Posted on 15:34 by Whittenoom

Whit is sat on a metallic bench under the shade of a giant oak tree. She has a water bottle in her hand, and is watching a tall gallentean man run towards where she is sat. She drinks the last remains of the water and puts it into the bin besides her. As she stands up, the man stops next to her, exhaling quietly. He smiles to his younger sister, resting his gloved hands on the back of his head. Whit smiles back, reaching up and ruffling his green coloured fringe.

“You ready?” He asks, breathing now back to normal.

“Sure. Where are we going?”

“Don’t you want to know what we are doing first?” He chuckles, as him and Whit walk down the pavement, towards the exit of the park.

“Ok, what are we doing?”

“Well, I’m not sure you’re going to like this idea. But you might find it…useful...for your line of work…”

“My line of work huh…” Smiles Whit as they walk down a quiet ally way

The gap between the buildings narrows and a small smile crosses Tokkah’s face. He stops and looks upwards; Whit also stops upon noticing, and follows his gaze. All of a sudden, a man leaps across the gap over Whit and Tokkah’s heads and vanishes out of sight. A few seconds’ later two more follow him, crossing the gap and vanishing. Before Whit can speak, let alone react, Tokkah grins and turns to his sister.

“L’art du déplacement”


OOC: 'L’art du déplacement'; English = 'the art of moving', or Parkour.
More Infomation about Parkour:
Free Running
American Parkour
Urban FreeFlow
Parkour Generations


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