
Posted on 17:25 by Whittenoom

A quiet humming emits from the Myrmidon Class Battlecruiser; Theory Over Logic. Several lone bodies hurry about inside, carrying out their various tasks of maintenance. Whittenoom and Loki Akyre can be found inside the cargo hold 31a.

Loki is wandering around; just taking in the various goings on, also keeping close to Whit; who heads towards the ammunition holding area.

“Think I might need to get some more; there isn’t enough to replace one cycle there.”

The duo turn around and begin to head towards the ramp leading to the overhead catwalk.

“Don’t you get . . . guilty . . . killing all those people onboard those ships? Whit?”

“I try not to think about it, Loki.”

“Doesn’t it-”


“Do the personnel you employ know about your . . .”

“My outlaw status? Yes, of course they do. Before they sign a contract they are told everything, they know what the risks are of their employment. I do refresh the crew every so many months if the vessel stays in service for a period of time; Like Orchid.”

“I couldn’t do what you do. I don’t understand how it doesn’t bother you-”

Whit turns around and faces Loki, her face somewhat irritated, but sad.

“Like I said; I try not to think about it.”

Whit then turns back around and continues to head towards the command deck. Loki trails in her wake.

“How did you pull it off? I mean stealing the ship?”

Whit reaches a data pad and keys in a password, a green light flicks three times and a secure door opens. They continue up a set of stairs, and along a corridor.

“Uncle helped. Infact he organised the whole thing. I just navigated the obstacle course.”

“Yeah but, don’t you regret it?”

“No.” A firm, hard voice.

Loki sighs and shakes her head while Whit opens the command deck door. The two enter and sit at the centre table. Whit pulls out the keypad and begins to access the files aboard Theory over Logic. Blue-green text flicks across the large projected screen upon one of the walls. The camera feed showing an Arazu class Force Recon appears on the screen. It is being assembled in the hanger. Its hull shines in the light of the hanger. A fine layer of dust can be seen as one of the sections is moved into place.

“Have you seen this?”

“It looks like an Arazu…in bits.”

Whit nods slowly, a small smile creeps across her face.


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