
Posted on 10:44 by Whittenoom


Orchid, a Helios class Covert Ops vessel is hovering in the gravity well inside station. Its hull shines against the lights inside the hanger, the green hue is slightly duller then on a brand new vessel, there are several scratches running zig-zag across the hullwork. Whittenoom can be found inside the engineering section of the ship, she is in her baggy grey combats and black tank top; somewhat of a more relaxed look then her usual attire.

She moves the hair from her face with a quick hand movement.

They have finally stopped.

Uncle said that he and his motley crew have sorted them out. Whatever that means. That was pretty much the whole message I received from him. He’s just leaving me alone now, but that is Uncle’s way. I doubt he will make his whereabouts known now; he will live in the shadows, without anything to do with anyone until something horrible threatens our lives.

I suppose.

Whittenoom chuckles to herself softly and exits engineering, walking along the catwalks towards electronics.

I saw Rathnon on local scan yesterday. I didn’t talk to her, I just didn’t have time. Should have asked her what she was doing here and of course how she was since I left Twisted. Inc.
I’ll speak to her later, if she is still around.

I think I owe her some spiced wine too.

The soft teal walls begin to get narrower towards the electronics section, there is a soft humming sound emitting from the room. Whittenoom enters, and looks around. She runs her fingers across varies surfaces.

When I look back, and think about what I have done. I wonder if it was really worth it. Was giving up a promising career in the Federation Navy really worth it? Really worth stealing a ship; a Vigilant nonetheless, and getting chased half way across New Eden? Was it really worth losing mother over? Was it really worth getting caught transporting illegal goods?

The answer is yes.

Stealing the ship was a way to pay for things, to get revenge on those who needed to be dealt with, to make my cousin better. Getting caught was just an unfortunate mishap. That’s when the Fed’ Navy caught me and gave me a chance, but I walked away. I didn’t take it. Why? Because they all looked at me, and treated me like some sort of criminal.

The criminal I had become.
The criminal they made me be.

A Self-fore filling prophecy.

Whittenoom leaves electronics, and heads towards the exit of the vessel. She clears the hair away from her face once more. On the way out, she picks up her belt; containing a small gun, a pencil and a cloth from room 04, and straps it around her waist. She steps outside in the cool air of the Hanger.


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