
Posted on 16:51 by Whittenoom

The floor was hard, cold as I hit the surface. I felt the figures shadow cast over me, I could almost see the smug look on his face. The same smug look that made the anger in me rise. He slowly inched closer towards me; his two friends remained standing by his side. One carried a shiny metallic rod, the other, carried nothing. They were all dark, shadows – covered head to toe in black clothing, a big, wide hood hiding their identity.

‘Get Up.’

The voice was quiet, yet forceful. It carried a small hint of Amarrian undertone. A pale, gaunt hand pulled back the hood to reveal an even gaunter face. I pulled myself further against the wall, almost trying to hide.
A long, cold finger touched my face, stroking my cheek. The voice spoke again.

‘Such a shame, your father would have been oh so proud of you. So young….’

I turned my cheek away from him, averting my eyes from his pressuring glare. He wrapped his cold, hard hands around my face, moving my head so I looked him in the eyes. They were lifeless, cold, hollow.

‘I see you don’t like what I say. It will all be over soon, little one.’

A small chuckle emitted from the second tallest figure to the Amarrians left. His frame was large, his shoulders were much broader then those of the Amarrians.
His voice was deep, and rough.

‘Shame, her mother was so pretty…Hell I would have- ’

‘Go to hell!’ I spat at the flanker. ‘She never would have-’

The cloaked figure approached me, pushing the Amarrian out the way. He crouched down, looking at me in the eyes. His gloved hand pushed back the hood, a blonde headed Caldari now filled my vision. He had a sharp bone structure; typical of the Caldari race. His eyes were a deep blue; a scar ran through his right.

‘Would have what? What makes you so sure? Why do you think she ran away?’


His palm connected with my face. I inhaled sharply trying to numb the pain that now soared across my right cheek. I tried to lift my left arm, only for the pain to return. I grabbed it instinctively, tears now rolling down my face.

The Caldari chuckled and stood up, shaking his head. The other cloaked figure seemingly slid over towards him. The Amarrian still had that smug look on his face, even more so now that I was obviously in pain. He rubbed his gaunt hands and slid on his short black gloves.
The hooded figure pulled a small cone shaped object out of his robes, and attached it to the end of the metallic rod. Then suddenly, without a sound, a small silver dart containing a green liquid, shot out the end and hit the Caldari in the chest. Within seconds his face went a pale shade of grey, and he began to gasp for air. He fell to the floor on his knees with a loud crunch, holding his chest where the dart had impacted.

‘Wrong person’

The shadowed figure said quietly and calmly. His accent rang with heavy Gallentean.
I pulled my legs closer towards my chest, my breathing rapid, I tried to keep it quiet, but I knew the inevitable was coming. Was I to be next?


The Amarrian had snapped around upon hearing the crunch, and was no pointing a small, .22 calibre gun in the direction of the Gallentean. No words were exchanged, the only sound was a small high pitched squeak as a dart impacted upon the flesh of the Amarrian. He was going to meet the same fate as his partner lying face down on the floor, motionless.

Soon enough he did.

The figure began to come towards me. I pulled myself away from him, fear and adrenaline coursing through my body. With a slightly tanned hand, he pulled back his hood. A very clearly Gallentean face looked at me, his expression was sad, forgiving. His eyes were large and brown, almost near black, just like his hair.

‘I’m sorry, Whit. One day you will understand.’

He then turned and walked towards the emergency press button, pressing it somewhat hesitantly. A loud alarm sounded in my ears, I raised my arm trying to block it while he strode out the door calmly. Everything got darker and heavier, then brighter and lighter, I closed my eyes, my head going dizzy. I could hear a voice faintly in my ear, I wanted to see who it was, see if it was going to help.

I opened my eyes one last time.

It was all just a dream.