
Posted on 14:34 by Whittenoom

I flicked through the holloreels with a certain sense of fascination; each moment in time captured, but coming to life when the viewer gazed upon the image. Each one so different to last, some forgotten, others remembered. There were a few that pained me to look at, but there was one I could not bring myself to witness.
Nthanda had passed on the file of my Fathers death to me, and how much of a mistake the Federation Navy had made. Now I can see why they wanted to keep it hidden in the shadows. She had also, how I do not know, given me a certain box of holloreels that belonged to him as well as some other personal possessions.

My father was not around for most of my childhood, which is why it is difficult to look at those with him there. I look at him as my father, and yet I hardly know him. I hardly remember his existence at all. Yet his disappearance has always left me wondering; wondering when he would come back. I finally realise, he never will.

There are a few with mother and I before her departure, although she was there more then my father, she was never around for long. I spent most of my childhood with the Akyre family. Although Uncle could have taken me under his wing, he insisted that it would not be a wise idea to do so. Loki and Nosi made good substitute sisters, and of course Nikkita was a wonderful mother to me. She made the best chocolate biscuits in the cluster as far as I knew, and always helped me when I needed it.

Another person who was there for me when I was younger was an old friend of mine; Kai Nikolas. When I left school and joined the Navy Academy we drifted apart, and never heard from each other for a long time. Until now. I was shocked at first when I received the eve-mail from him. It has been so long, yet he seems like his old usual self. It’s strange, because if it was anyone else, I would be sceptical about the whole venture, but Kai I feel I can trust.

I recently moved aboard Iron Hearted Angel. I feel a bit safer aboard this then in my apartment. Something about living in a CONCORD station rattles my cage a bit. The external power sometimes cuts; which is interesting - I have about 30 minutes before the ship is plunged into total darkness to get the external power back online. I’m having one of the engineers look into the problem, he suspects it is rigged like this for personal preference, I find it a bit strange, but then again this isn’t exactly my ship, and I’m not exactly normal.

The Crew of Peaceful Acquisition had their first flight after months of training a few days ago. They did well, a few minor mishaps, but nothing that is serious and can’t be straightened out with practice. Now I just need to find a few to help with Generation 10.